Piecewise Regression

Bruna Wundervald


How do we find the breakpoint?

Different Breakpoints


da <- read.csv("df02.txt", 
               sep = "\t")

'data.frame':   21 obs. of  3 variables:
 $ x : num  0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 ...
 $ Y1: num  5.5 7.2 10.4 7.4 7.2 9.1 15.9 12.7 11.3 14.4 ...
 $ Y2: num  0.8 1.5 2.6 1.5 1.4 2.1 3.9 3.3 3 3.9 ...
print(xyplot(Y1 ~ x, data = da,
       type = c("p", "g", "smooth"), pch = 16,
             strip = strip.custom(bg = "white"),
       col = "tomato",
       xlab = "", ylab = ""),
     position = c(0,0, 0.5, 1), more = TRUE)

print(xyplot(Y2 ~ x, data = da,
             type = c("p", "g", "smooth"), pch = 16,
             strip = strip.custom(bg = "white"),
             col = "aquamarine",
             xlab = "", ylab = ""),
      position = c(0.5,0, 1, 1), more = TRUE)


Estimating the Breakpoint

g <- numeric(length = 20)

ll <- for (i in 1:20) {
  m <- i/10
  da$v <- with(da, ifelse(x <= m, 0, x - m))
  m1 <- lm(Y1 ~ x + v, data = da)
  g[i] <- AIC(m1)
which.min(g) # 1.9
[1] 19
# Using the segmented package
s <-lm(Y1 ~ x, data = da)
o <- segmented(s, seg.Z=~x)


    ***Regression Model with Segmented Relationship(s)***

segmented.lm(obj = s, seg.Z = ~x)

Estimated Break-Point(s):
   Est. St.Err 
 1.895  0.037 

Meaningful coefficients of the linear terms:
            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)    4.537      1.914   2.370   0.0299 *  
x             13.144      1.817   7.234  1.4e-06 ***
U1.x         135.403     61.372   2.206       NA    
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 4.338 on 17 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-Squared: 0.857,  Adjusted R-squared: 0.8317 

Convergence attained in 2 iterations with relative change 0 
# Second Dataset
g <- numeric(length = 20)

ll <- for (i in 1:20) {
  m <- i/10
  da$v <- with(da, ifelse(x <= m, 0, x - m))
  m1 <- lm(Y2 ~ x + v, data = da)
  g[i] <- AIC(m1)
which.min(g) # 1.5
[1] 15
# Using the segmented package
s <-lm(Y2 ~ x, data = da)
o <- segmented(s, seg.Z=~x)
[1] 1.542088

Model Expression

\[ \begin{align} y = \beta_{0} + \beta_{1} x , & \quad x \leq c \\ y = \beta_{0} + \beta_{2} x + \theta (\beta_{1}-\beta_{2}), & \quad x > c \end{align} \]

Types of Segments

Different inclinations

\[ \begin{align} y = \beta_{0} + \beta_{1} x , & \quad x \leq c \\ y = \beta_{0} + \beta_{2} x , & \quad x > c \end{align} \]

m <- lm(Y1 ~ x, data = da)
da$pred <- predict(m)

plot(Y1 ~ x, data = da)
da <- da[order(da$Y1),]
with(subset(da, x < 1), lines(x, pred, col = "2"))
da$sec <- m$coefficients[2] + 8 * da$x
with(subset(da, x >= 1), lines(x, sec, col = "2"))


Different intercepts

\[ \begin{align} y = \beta_{0} + \beta_{1} x , & \quad x \leq c \\ y = \beta_{2} + \beta_{1} x , & \quad x > c \end{align} \]

plot(Y1 ~ x, data = da)
da <- da[order(da$x),]
with(subset(da, x < 1), lines(x, pred, col = "2"))
da$sec <- 1 + m$coefficients[2] * da$x
with(subset(da, x >= 1), lines(x, sec, col = "2"))

Different intercepts and no inclination

\[ \begin{align} y = \beta_{0}, & \quad x \leq c \\ y = \beta_{1}, & \quad x > c \end{align} \]

plot(Y1 ~ x, data = da)
da <- da[order(da$x),]
da$c <- rep(15, nrow(da))
da$b <- rep(25, nrow(da))
with(subset(da, x < 1), lines(x, c, col = "2"))
with(subset(da, x >= 1), lines(x, b, col = "2"))

Model Comparison

  1. Linear Regression
  2. Transformed Response Variable
  3. Piecewise Regression
  4. Polinomial Regression
  5. Non-Linear Regression
  6. Generalized Linear Regression
m1 <- lm(Y1 ~ x, data = da)
m2 <- lm(log(Y1) ~ x, data = da)

da$v <- with(da, ifelse(x <= 1.9, 0, x - 1.9))
m3 <- lm(Y1 ~ x + v, data = da)
m4 <- lm(Y1  ~ poly(x, 2), data = da)

m6 <- glm(Y1 ~ x, family = "Gamma"(link = "inverse"),
          data = da)

pred <- data.frame(m1 = predict(m1), m2 = exp(predict(m2)),
                   m3 = predict(m3), m4 = predict(m4),
                   m6 = predict(m6, type = "response"))
pred$x <- da$x
pred <- pred[order(pred$x),]

xyplot(Y1 ~ x,
       pch = 16,
       jitter.x = TRUE,
       type = c("p", "g"),
       xlab = expression(x[1]),
       ylab = list(label = "y",
                   rot = 0),
       scales = list(y = list(tick.number = 8)),
       da, col = 1,
       key = list(space = "bottom",
                  cex.title = 1.15,
                  text = list(c(
                    paste0("Linear Regression - aic = ", 
                           round(AIC(m1), 3)),
                    paste0("Transformed Response Variable - aic = ", 
                           round(AIC(m2), 3)),
                    paste0("Piecewise Regression - aic = ", 
                           round(AIC(m3), 3)),
                    paste0("Polinomial Regression - aic = ", 
                           round(AIC(m4), 3)),
                    paste0("Generalized Linear Regression - aic = ",
                           round(AIC(m6), 3)))),
                  lines =
                    list(col = c("yellow",
                                 "springgreen", "steelblue",
                                 "violetred", "tomato"),
                               lwd = 3))
  as.layer(xyplot(m1 + m2 + m3 + m4 + m6  ~ x ,
                  data = pred, type = "l",
                  auto.key = TRUE,
                  col = c("yellow", "springgreen", "steelblue",
                          "violetred", "tomato"),
                  lwd = 2))

# Outlier Exclusion - for convergence of the Non-Linear Model

m1 <- lm(Y1 ~ x, data = da[-21,])
m2 <- lm(log(Y1) ~ x, data = da[-21,])

da$v <- with(da, ifelse(x <= 0.7, 0, x - 0.7))
m3 <- lm(Y1 ~ x + v, data = da[-21,])
m4 <- lm(Y1  ~ poly(x, 2), data = da[-21,])

# Incomplete Gamma Model
m5 <- nls(Y1 ~ (a*(x^b))*exp(-c*x), 
          start = c(a = 10, b = 0.01, c = -0.9),
          data = da[-21,])

m6 <- glm(Y1 ~ x, family = "Gamma"(link = "inverse"),
          data = da[-21,])

pred <- data.frame(m1 = predict(m1), m2 = exp(predict(m2)),
                   m3 = predict(m3), m4 = predict(m4),
                   m5 = predict(m5), 
                   m6 = predict(m6, type = "response"))
pred$x <- da[-21,]$x
pred <- pred[order(pred$x),]

xyplot(Y1 ~ x,
       pch = 16,
       jitter.x = TRUE,
       type = c("p", "g"),
       xlab = expression(x[1]),
       ylab = list(label = "y",
                   rot = 0),
       scales = list(y = list(tick.number = 8)),
       da, col = 1,
       key = list(space = "bottom",
                  cex.title = 1.15,
                  text = list(c(
                    paste0("Linear Regression - aic = ", 
                           round(AIC(m1), 3)),
                    paste0("Transformed Response Variable - aic = ", 
                           round(AIC(m2), 3)),
                    paste0("Piecewise Regression - aic = ", 
                           round(AIC(m3), 3)),
                    paste0("Polinomial Regression - aic = ", 
                           round(AIC(m4), 3)),
                    paste0("Non-Linear Regression - aic = ", 
                           round(AIC(m5), 3)),
                    paste0("Generalized Linear Regression - aic = ",
                           round(AIC(m6), 3)))),
                  lines =
                    list(col = c("yellow", "turquoise",
                                 "springgreen", "steelblue",
                                 "violetred", "tomato"),
                               lwd = 3))
  as.layer(xyplot(m1 + m2 + m3 + m4 + m5 + m6  ~ x ,
                  data = pred, type = "l",
                  auto.key = TRUE,
                  col = c("yellow", "turquoise", 
                          "springgreen", "steelblue",
                          "violetred", "tomato"),
                  lwd = 2))

The AIC of the transformed response variable model is not comparable to others as it is.

Using more than one breakpoint

\[ \begin{align} y = \beta_{0} + \beta_{1} x_{1} + \beta_{2} x_{2} + \beta_{3} x_{3}, \\ \\ x_{2}=\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} x_{1}-c_{1}, \quad c_{1} \leq x\\ 0, cc. \\ \end{array} \right. \\ x_{3}=\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} x_{1}-c_{2}, \quad c_{2} \leq x\\ 0, cc. \\ \end{array} \right. \end{align} \]

da$x2 <- with(da, ifelse(x < 0.5, 0, x-0.5))
da$x3 <- with(da, ifelse(x < 0.5 | x >= 1.3, 0, x-1.3))
da$x4 <- with(da, ifelse(x >= 1.3, 0, x-1.3))

m1 <- lm(Y1 ~ x + x2 + x3, data = da) # With interval 
m2 <- lm(Y1 ~ x + x2 + x4, data = da) # Without interval 
logLik(m1); logLik(m2)
'log Lik.' -61.6259 (df=5)
'log Lik.' -61.38696 (df=5)
plot(Y1 ~ x, data = da, 
     main = paste0("Model with the interval - loglik = ", 
                   round(logLik(m1), 4)))
da$pred1 <- predict(m1)
with(subset(da, x < 0.5), lines(x, pred1, col = "2", lwd = 2))
with(subset(da,  0.5 > x | x <= 1.3), 
     lines(x, pred1, col = "2", lwd = 2))
with(subset(da, x >= 1.3), lines(x, pred1, col = "2", lwd = 2))

plot(Y1 ~ x, data = da, main = 
       paste0("Model without the interval - loglik = ", 
              round(logLik(m2), 3)))
da$pred2 <- predict(m2)
with(subset(da, x < 0.5), lines(x, pred2, col = "2", lwd = 2))
with(subset(da,  0.5 > x | x <= 1.3), 
     lines(x, pred2, col = "2", lwd = 2))
with(subset(da, x >= 1.3), lines(x, pred2, col = "2", lwd = 2))