class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Machine Learning And Chord Based Feature Engineering For Genre Prediction In Popular Brazilian Music ## Bruna Wundervald, Ph.D. Candidate in Statistics ### XVI School of Regression Models, Pirenópolis, Brazil ### March, 2019 --- class: middle # Summary - Introduction - Materials - Data Extraction - Feature Engineering - Music Genre Modeling - Engineered Variables - Random Forests - Results - Conclusions --- # Introduction - Music Information Retrieval - Develop & apply computational tools combined with music theory, - Amplify our understanding of music data. - Each data format has its own properties: audio, chords, lyrics, sheet music, etc. > Musical genres are hard to describe: many factors are involved, such as style, music technique, and historical context - Some genres even have overlapping characteristics - The chords sequence of a song fully describes its harmonic structure. - **The focus of this work is to establish a connection between harmonic information and genre specification in Brazilian popular music.** --- # Materials ## Data Extraction - Chords progressions are a sequence of chords that happen in a particular form. - Data extraction: through *webscraping* of the [Cifraclub Website]( - from the underlying *html* structures of each chords webpages. - 8 Brazilian musical genres were selected, resulting in 106 artists and 8339 different songs. - Bossa Nova, Forró, MPB, Pop, Reggae, Rock, Samba e Sertanejo. - We collected the chords, keys and the name of songs and artists. - Variables about the release year and popularity were obtained with the aid of the Spotify API. --- # Materials ## Data Extraction > Resulting package: `chorrrds` <img src="img/chorrrds.png" width="70%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> [**R-Music Blog**]( <img src="" style="float:left;margin-right:20px;" width=120> <h4 style="padding:0px;margin:10px;"> R for music data extraction and analysis </h4> --- # Materials ## Feature Engineering - Using only the raw information about the chords progression may cause a lot of information to be lost in the process. - Feature engineering: can be either automatic or manual. - We emphasized on obtaining various distinct features from the chords by-hand. - The resulting features have a clear interpretation about harmonic characteristics of the considered songs. --- # Materials ## Engineered Variables Group 1 - Triads and simple tetrads: - % of suspended chords (e.g. Gsus), - % of chords with the seventh (e.g. C7), - % of minor chords with the seventh (e.g. Em7 C#m7), - % of minor chords (e.g. Em C#m), - % of diminished chords (e.g. Bº), - % of augmented chords (e.g. Baug), Group 2 - Dissonant Tetrads: - % of chords with the fourth (e.g. D4), - % of chords with the sixth (e.g. E6), - % of chords with the ninth (e.g. G9), - % of minor chords with the major seventh (e.g. Am7+), - % of chords with a diminished fifth (e.g. C5- or C5b), - % of chords with as augmented fifth (e.g. C5+ ou C5#) --- # Materials ## Engineered Variables Group 3 - Common transitions: - % of the first most common chord transition, - % of the second most common chord transition, - % of the third most common chord transition, Group 4 - Miscellany: - Popularity of the song, extracted from the Spotify API, - Total of non-distinct chords, - Year of album release, extracted from the Spotify API, - Indicator of the key of the song being the same as the most common chord, - Percentage of chords with varying bass (e.g. C/G, C/Bb), - Mean distance of the chords to the ’C’ chord in the circle of fifths, - Mean distance of the chords to the ’C’ chord in semitones, - Absolute quantity of the most common chord. --- # Music Genre Modeling ## Random Forests Consider a variable of interest `\(Y_i\)` that defines the labels of the genres, represented by `\(\{1,\dots,K\}\)` and `\(\mathbf{x} = (x_{i1},\dots, x_{ip})'\)` , `\(1 \leq i \leq n\)`, the set of predictor variables. A tree is a flexible non-parametric method, based on the estimation of a series of binary conditional splitting statements on the predictors'space, that creates rules with the form: `\(x_j > x_{j,th}\)`, where `\(x_j\)` is the value of the feature at `\(j\)` and `\(x_{j,th}\)` is the decision cut point. The space is divided into `\(m\)` regions, `\(R_1,\dots, R_m\)`, and the proportion of the classes in each region is estimated as `$$\hat p_{mk} = \frac{1}{N_{m_{x_i \in R_m}}} I_{y_i = k}$$` --- # Music Genre Modeling ## Random Forests The usual criteria to choose the best threshold for a new node is the Gini impurity (Hastie, Tibshirani, and Friedman, 2009), measured by `\begin{equation} Gini = 1 - \sum_{k = 1}^{K} p_k^{2}, \end{equation}` where `\(p_k\)` is the observed proportion for each class `\(k = 1,..K.\)` in the dataset. This measure has its minimum when the individuals belong to the same class. Random forests (Breiman, 2001) are an extension of tree-based methods, combining B trees that are grown on bootstrapped samples, but for each tree only a sample `\(m \approx \sqrt p\)` of the predictors is considered as splitting nodes. The prediction is a combination of all of the results in the training set. --- # Music Genre Modeling ## Random Forests - The performance of the algorithm needs to be evaluated regarding its prediction power: - Train set: 70% - Test set: 30% The closer the predictions are to the vector of observations, the better the algorithm is doing, and an accuracy measure is calculated as `\begin{equation} Acc = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i = 1}^{n} I(y_i \neq \hat y_i) \end{equation}` where `\(I\)` is the indicator for whether the model prediction `\(\hat y_i\)` is compatible with what was observed and `\(n\)` is the sample size --- # Music Genre Modeling ## Random Forests Advantages of a random forest: - nonlinear decision regions between the covariables are better captured, - it easily allows the obtention of an importance measure of the predictors, - the trees are invariant to the predictors'scales. In total, four models were fitted, in a nested fashion, structured as 1. First model: triads (6) 2. Second model: triads (6) + tetrads (6 3. Third model: triads (6) + tetrads (6) + common transitions (3) 4. Fourth model: triads (6) + tetrads (6) + common transitions (3) + miscellany (8). --- ## Nonlinearity example <div class="figure" style="text-align: center"> <img src="img/aug.png" alt="Figure 2. Percentage of minor chords in the song versus the percentage of augmented chords, identifying the musicg genre" width="70%" /> <p class="caption">Figure 2. Percentage of minor chords in the song versus the percentage of augmented chords, identifying the musicg genre</p> </div> --- # Results Table 1 shows the results for the *Kappa* statistic, a metric of comparison between the observed accuracy and the expected accuracy (Cohen, 1960). - The expected accuracy (or Non-Information Rate) is the proportion of the most recurrent genre in the dataset (34%). - The statistic is used to decide whether the classification proposed by the model is more accurate than saying that all observations belong to that genre. <div class="figure" style="text-align: center"> <img src="img/kappa.png" alt="Table 1. Goodness of fit for the four models: overall accuracy with lower and upper bounds and Kappa statistic with the respective p-value." width="70%" /> <p class="caption">Table 1. Goodness of fit for the four models: overall accuracy with lower and upper bounds and Kappa statistic with the respective p-value.</p> </div> --- <div class="figure" style="text-align: center"> <img src="img/model1.png" alt="Table 2. Confusion matrix for the model with only the first set of variables." width="70%" /> <p class="caption">Table 2. Confusion matrix for the model with only the first set of variables.</p> </div> <div class="figure" style="text-align: center"> <img src="img/model2.png" alt="Table 3. Confusion matrix for the second model with the first and second sets of variables." width="70%" /> <p class="caption">Table 3. Confusion matrix for the second model with the first and second sets of variables.</p> </div> --- <div class="figure" style="text-align: center"> <img src="img/model3.png" alt="Table 4. Confusion matrix for third model with the first, second and third sets of variables" width="70%" /> <p class="caption">Table 4. Confusion matrix for third model with the first, second and third sets of variables</p> </div> <div class="figure" style="text-align: center"> <img src="img/model4.png" alt="Table 5. Confusion matrix for the fourth model with all the considered variables." width="70%" /> <p class="caption">Table 5. Confusion matrix for the fourth model with all the considered variables.</p> </div> --- # Results - From Table 2 to Table 3, there is a considerable increase in the correct classification rate, especially for Bossa Nova (about 15%), MPB (about 8%) and Samba (about 6%); - In Table 4, the increase occurs to MPB (about 6%), Samba and Sertanejo (about 2% for both), but it’s more intense for Reggae (4%). - with the information about the common chords transitions, at least some percentage of it is being distinguished. - On Table 5, the increase was especially high for Rock (about 8%), followed MPB, and Reggae (about 4% for both) and Sertanejo (about 3% of increase). - we verify that the fourth set of variables, the miscellany is notably relevant in the classification of those genres. --- # Results <div class="figure" style="text-align: center"> <img src="img/imp_m3.png" alt="Figure 1. Importance plot for the fourth model with all the considered variables." width="70%" /> <p class="caption">Figure 1. Importance plot for the fourth model with all the considered variables.</p> </div> --- # Results - The first set of variables is the most informative one. - with the basic information about the songs we already obtained good results. - The results improved mostly by the addition of external variables, such as the year and popularity of each song. - Shows how the features from Spotify carry relevant information about the the evaluated genres. - Next, in the importance sequence, we have the transitions and distances variables, strengthening the idea of harmonic characteristics being important to discriminate music genre. --- # Conclusions - Is possible to satisfactorily predict music genres of the Brazilian popular music combining features extracted from harmonic structures and external variables. - The overall accuracy of the final model is 62% with a confidence interval of [60%, 64%]. - the better-classified genres are the Brazilian Sertanejo, Samba, MPB and Rock. - The most discriminative variables for the model are - the percentage of chords with the seventh note, - percentage of minor chords with the seventh note, - the percentage of minor chords, - the year of release of the songs, - their popularity, - the behavior of the most common chord transitions. - On this group, prevail the features that can be extracted purely with the symbolic part of the chords. --- # Conclusions Every step of this analysis can be reproduced using the code available at: `` - Next steps of this work include especially the engineering of the new variables and applying different algorithms to model the data. - The modeling section can be improved in two fundamental ways: - changing the algorithm itself for another suitable technique and - improving the existent model. > Source code for this presentation: `` --- class: center, middle ## Acknowledgments This work was supported by a Science Foundation Ireland Career Development Award grant number: 17/CDA/4695 <img src="img/SFI_logo.jpg" width="50%" height="40%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # References <p><cite><a id='bib-Cohen1960'></a><a href="#cite-Cohen1960">Cohen, J.</a> (1960). “A Coefficient of Agreement for Nominal Scales”. 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